Thursday, May 14, 2020

Custom Textures

Moving element

I tried downloading the free trial of lumion but that didn't work so I was forced to use podium, from which Russel never showed us anything on how to make objects move using podium. So I forced to make a gif of the moving element which is the roof of my bridge which allows more sunlight to enter. Hope this is alright.

Image Captures


In relation to my theory on movement, I attempted to create a dynamic flow of movement that would be experienced in accessing the student study tables for workshops and student movement to the library downstairs.

Staff Meeting Room

The staff meeting room has been designed with very light features of marble and concrete that keep with a white theme, helping to maintain a neutral texture and promote lightness to movement around the area.

Lecture Theater

The lecture theatre is quite simple in design which further promotes ease of movement, with very neutral textures of the mild brown wood and lighter materials surrounding.

Connecting Bridge
The bridge is very open, allowing a open spatial environment whilst welcoming natural sunlight to light the space throughout the day which helps to maintain a open atmosphere. 

Ground level - Studios

The ground floor of the student studio area invites natural sunlight to reflect of the light marble stone used on the ground and the polished concrete of the walls. In turn this helps to expand the spatial environment and reluctantly enlighten pedestrian movement


Movement is created within the spatial environment of a building or object, with neutral textures at incorporated occasionally to provoke social discourse among participants experiencing the site.


Two-Point Perspective Drawings